Monday, August 31, 2015

Bumpdate 14 weeks!

How far along? 14 Weeks! Two of my pregnancy apps told me NOW i'm in the 2nd trimester. I thought it was last week... either way I am officially out of the 1st :)
Total weight gain/loss: not sure and I probably won't know until September 11th at my doctor appointment! I don't weight myself at home and don't trust the scales at work :)
Maternity clothes? None yet, but my stretchy workout pants are my BFF. My skinny shorts did button the other night, though and I was pleasantly surprised!
Stretch marks? None- hope this stays like that!
Sleep: Sleeping GREAT! No complaints...I've been extra sleepy this past week!
Best moment this week?: Hearing the baby's heartbeat SUPER loud and fast with my doppler. It is so crazy to be able to find it so quickly now since I haven't been able to in the past weeks. 
Miss Anything? Being able to eat buffalo sauce without having the worst heartburn of life... seriously. And maybe being able to stay up past 9 pm. I could go to bed at 8:30 every night and be just fine. 
Movement: No real movement, but I definitely feel some blips in the same spot I hear the baby's heartbeat. Not sure what it is...but it sure is a neat feeling. I love it!
Food cravings: Nothing really sounds good anymore. I did absolutely HAVE to have a Jimmy John's the other day. Like I needed it. I refrained and settled for a Which Wich the next day. I don't eat deli meat a lot, but have been having it in veeeerrrrry moderate amounts from restaurants I trust!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing is making me sick, but I just have been kind of sick this week. I thought everything was going to come up the other night while cooking fish at my MIL's house. Luckily, it passed quickly. Ive been very fortunate not getting sick this pregnancy, but I think it's funny I'm now having symptoms after having virtually none for the past 9 or so weeks. 
Have you started to show yet: The bloating has gone down but there is a definite pooch...especially at the end of the day! 
Gender prediction: girl, girl, doubt in my mind!
Labor Signs: oh no... It will be so crazy when this answer is yes! I hope I won't be able to say that for 24 or so more weeks.
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but moody randomly...specifically when i'm tired or hungry or when a stupid Pinterest pin doesn't turn out like it's supposed to. The DRAMA... I swear :)
Looking forward to: Gender reveal! And seeing our sweet baby on Ultrasound on the 23rd! I can't wait to see how much they've grown!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Bumpdate- 13 weeks!

Thanks to Jessica Garvin for the chalkboard idea! Her chalkboards are legit. She's amazing! (Little Baby Garvin)
How far along? 13 weeks! Heeeellllooooo second trimester! Crazy!
Total weight gain/loss: not sure and I probably won't know until September 11th at my doctor appointment! I don't weight myself at home and don't trust the scales at work :)
Maternity clothes? None yet
Stretch marks? None- hope this stays like that!
Sleep: Sleeping GREAT! No complaints
Best moment this week?: Throwing/giving probably half our house joke! We had so much unnecessary crap, specifically in our closet. I feel so much better that it's gone! Also, Cliff painted our bathroom! It feels good to be getting some things done that we've been putting off. 
Have you told family and friends: Everyone knows! I'll probably start omitting this question :)
Miss Anything? Eating things without worrying about if I should eat them is high up there on the list. Everything in moderation is my motto :)
Movement: No real movement, but I definitely feel some blips in the same spot I hear the baby's heartbeat. Not sure what it is...but it sure is a neat feeling. I love it!
Food cravings: The potato craving is still there, but has eased off. I am really loving Mccallister's Southwest cobb salad. I've had two this weekend!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing in particular, but this week has been the most nauseated i've felt this whole pregnancy. Still have not actually gotten sick yet which i'm thankful for.
Have you started to show yet: The bloating has gone down but there is a definite pooch...especially at the end of the day! 
Gender prediction: girl, girl, doubt in my mind!
Labor Signs: oh no
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but moody randomly...specifically when i'm tired or hungry or when the prenatal imaging place tries to sneakily change my gender scan appointment....don't play! :)
Looking forward to: Gender reveal in a month and getting more of the nursery together..We are supposed to be getting new carpet and finishing up the paint in there so we can start moving things in! Exciting!!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Bump-date week 12

How far along? 12 whole weeks today....yay!
Total weight gain/loss: It was a pound at my doctor appt. two Fridays ago. I feel like I've gained 10 more since then.. ha!
Maternity clothes? None yet.. but my workout pants are getting pretty snug.
Stretch marks? None- hope this stays like that!
Sleep: Sleeping well, still! Just waking up to pee once
Best moment this week?: hearing baby's heartbeat loud and clear. My new favorite sound....ever.
Have you told family and friends? yes! everyone knows, now!
Miss Anything? Not yet!
Movement: nothing yet... but I do feel some stretching and pulling so far. 
Food cravings: french fries...any form of potato.... wishing I was craving broccoli.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  nothing at all
Have you started to show yet: to me I have, but not to anyone else. Except for the man at work who told me I'm really thickening out... that was lovely!
Labor Signs: oh no
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: happiest I have ever been!
Looking forward to: gender reveal in about 5 weeks! eeeeee! and getting a glorious 15 minute long ultrasound at that appt! YAY!

Other news: The nursery is painted! And we are working on getting some projects around the house done that we will be glad to have out of the way once the baby gets here. So crazy I only have one more week in my first trimester!

Friday, August 14, 2015

How We Found Out

For memory sake, I wanted to write down all the details about how we found out about our little baby. It might be LONG, but i'm covering almost 5 years and I want to remember everything :). Being able to sit here and write this story out was not always something I thought I would get to do, so, being able to do that  has me feeling so very thankful. I know this isn't something that everyone gets to experience and I don't want to take that for granted.

April 2010- I was having some issues with my birth control which sent me to the doctor. Long story short (and probably TMI..), my BC was making me bleed very irregularly and for loooooong periods of time. I'm talking months of non-stop bleeding. It was terrible. It was at that appointment that my doctor told me I wasn't ovulating and when it came time that I wanted to have a baby, I would probably have to go on Clomid to make me ovulate. Not a terrible diagnosis, but also not one  that a 19 year old wants to hear. I had just gotten engaged a few months prior and was excited about the possibility of having a baby one day, but also wasn't really concerned about it at the time.

October 2011- Cliff and I got married and were in no rush to have babies. We were enjoying our time together, we were both still in school and not to mention POOR. Its funny and sweet to me to look back on those times. What's the fun in it if you're not struggling for a while?!

About a year and a half after we got married, I was just feeling off one day. I couldn't really put my finger on it, so I decided to take a pregnancy test. I was nervous, but kind of hopeful at the same time. It was negative and that was the first time I remember having a gut instinct that I couldn't get pregnant. I'm not sure if it was what  my previous doctor said in the back of my mind or what, but I just remember being sad. Looking back on it I'm glad it was negative. We really had no business having a baby at the time and the timing now is much better and sweeter and I feel like we can enjoy it more.

June 2014- I was sitting at work one day, about an hour before my shift was to end, and I got the most horrible period cramps I've ever had in my life. I'm talking about doubled over in pain, couldn't breathe, couldn't sit, couldn't stand- type of horrible. This was followed by horrible bleeding and clotting. I remember the clock moving so slow and by the time I got off work, I could hardly make it home. Traffic was awful and I wasn't sure why I was hurting so bad. I finally made it home and after a while longer of cramping very badly, I was able to kind of relax and put the heating pad on and lay down. I remember having to sleep with a heating pad for about 3 days, which was so out of the ordinary for me. I thought I was just having an extremely bad period. Looking back now, I'm wondering if it was a miscarriage. If it was, I'm thankful it was early enough that I didn't know I was pregnant.

For the next year, I would say Cliff and I were not trying/ not preventing. We also weren't trying to "just see what happens". I think we were both just okay with it happening IF it happened, but we weren't ready to start trying just yet. It didn't happen. I got really scared and really nervous and again, just had a gut instinct it was never going to happen for us. I've come to the realization that I'm a worrier. I worry about problems that aren't even there yet. I think I was just trying to mentally prepare myself  so that it wasn't such a blow when someone told us we wouldn't be able to have a baby.

May 2015- I big, fat, ugly, drunk cried on my sister's shoulder at a Braves game tailgate about my fears and it was the first time I had really told anyone about anything that had been going on. It's funny to me, now because we WEREN'T EVEN TRYING! I think I was expecting it to happen "accidentally" and it wasn't. She was so sweet and reassured me that everything would be okay and that having a baby is not all I was put on this Earth for. She was right and that really put me at ease. My situation was not bad and I needed to see that.

June 2015- Cliff and I took a much needed beach trip. It was the first time we had been to the beach, just the two of us since we had been married and it was wonderful! We had time to recharge as a couple and really relax. Before we left for the beach we decided that we would maybe start trying for a baby around November of this year. I ordered a giant pack of ovulation test strips from amazon just to see if they could give me an idea of when, if at all, I ovulated. Funny how life works out because I didn't even get to use one of those strips :)

Fast forward to the end of June... I bought 2 dressers to refinish for our bedroom and my sister and I were trying to strip the stain and paint off them and sand them down. Long story short, they weren't doing what I wanted them to do and I had a major, over dramatic freak out. I'm talking about threw everything down and went home and was so upset I had to take a nap. I thought I had to be majorly PMSing...because it was BAD. I can't remember a time where I've felt that out of control and upset over really nothing. It was a weird day.

July 1st, 2015- I had the morning off and was running some errands. I stopped and got an iced caramel machiatto from Starbucks and went on with my day. The coffee tasted horrible to me. It was making me jittery and just wasn't sitting right and I was convinced they put 90 shot of espresso in my drink. By this day, my period was about 4 days late. I didn't think much of it because I've always had irregular periods.

That whole week leading up to July 1st, my usually distant cat, Kirby was acting so strange around me. She wouldn't eat, she wouldn't leave me alone and she would rush ahead of me into whatever room I was walking in to. She would lay on me and knead on my stomach and I just thought she was acting so strange. I made her a vet appointment and continued on with my day. It's so crazy to me how instinctual animals can be. She knew something was up before I even did.

Around 12, I remember that 10 pregnancy tests came with my ovulation pack. I decided to take one, just in case, since my period was late but I wasn't expecting anything at all. I was completely expecting it to come back negative and I was okay with that since I hadn't used any of the ovulation strips yet.

I took the test and before I could even lay it on the counter, it came back with a big, dark POSITIVE.

I looked at the test, back at the directions and back at the test. There was no way I was reading it correctly. So, I took another one. Same result. I took ONE more....just for good measure and sure enough....positive.

WHAT?! I'm pretty sure I said "oh shit" a few times and kind of paced around my bedroom. It's a weird feeling finding out you're pregnant for the first time, especially so unexpectedly. But, I was so happy and just couldn't believe it. I had to work until 10 that evening and had the next day off, so I decided to hold off on telling Cliff until I could get to the doctor and get it confirmed.

The next day I went to Walmart and got two digital tests. Just to be extra EXTRA sure ;)... they both came up with positives extremely quickly so I made a same day appt with the doctor. I took a test there and the nurse said it was an instant positive!

I headed home and started to set up how I was going to tell Cliff. I'll do another posts once I get all the videos together. It was such a sweet day and we are both so grateful to God for giving us a chance to experience this time in our lives. It's something I've always hoped and prayed for, but not something I've always expected. We cannot wait to meet our new little baby in February.

Monday, August 10, 2015

We're Having a Baby!

Typing those words feel so incredibly weird but, it's true! We are having a little baby in February!

It feels wonderful to finally be able to shout from the rooftops that Baby Hancock is officially on the way! We had an appointment last friday when I was 10 weeks and 4 days pregnant. The doctor did a quick ultrasound and our little baby was moving around with a strong heartbeat! So thankful.

I'm due 2-29-16...leap day! I think our due date is so precious....even though I am secretly hoping we end up having a March baby instead....but not too far into March ;)

I've been feeling extremely normal this pregnancy so far. Absolutely no morning sickness, aside from the occasional nausea that maybe lasts a few minutes. No headaches, no lack of energy...nothin! I'd say my biggest symptom are sore boobs which have not been bad at all. It really worried me up until my most recent ultrasound because i thought there was just no possible way I was going to fly through my first trimester barely even feeling pregnant....but here we are! 11 weeks today and feeling great! :) Thank God! I had some scary spotting from weeks 7-10 but that has all cleared up and I feel like i'm able to relax and enjoy all the fun things that have been happening!

I'll be sure to share all the fun details like how I found out and how I told Cliff soon...We also got our family's reactions on video, so hopefully I can share that soon, too! That was so much fun telling everyone, but I sure am glad the news is out and I can talk about it freely now! ;)

For now I wanted to share some of our reveal pictures that my sweet and talented sister took for us at the farm! Such special memories that I am so thankful we have these pictures of to look back on!

Look out world... Baby Hancock is comin at ya! ;)

Bump Dates So Far

I've been trying to keep up with my pregnancy so far with this cute, little weekly survey! It's short, sweet and to the point, and that's how I like it ;). I've also been taking weekly "bump" pictures (if you can even call it a bump right's more like just bloat. My sister has been rocking out my chalkboards every week and I'm loving that we will have these sweet memories to look back on!

How far along? 6 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: maybe a pound
Maternity clothes? None yet
Stretch marks? None- hope this stays like that!
Sleep: I've been sleeping really well up until about 4 am when I wake up with my mind racing about everything that needs to be done. I can usually make myself go back to sleep, thankfully!
Best moment this week?: taking my first "bump" picture and having our first doctor appt
Have you told family and friends: we've told my sister and best friend (because they would have known something was up by me not drinking last Friday) 
Miss Anything? Not yet!
Movement: no
Food cravings: none yet.... I've actually had very few symptoms so far, which worries me. I'll be happy when I can hear or see a heartbeat!
Anything making you queasy or sick:  nothing at all
Have you started to show yet: I feel like I have, but really I'm just extremely bloated
Gender prediction: I think both Cliff and I think it's a baby girl! 
Labor Signs: oh no
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: happiest I have ever been!
Looking forward to: our first dr. Appointment, the first ultrasound, getting out of the "scary zone" a.k.a first trimester 

How far along? 7 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: .6 oz from the dr's scale
Maternity clothes? None yet
Stretch marks? None- hope this stays like that!
Sleep: Sleeping really well, just waking up once or twice to pee
Best moment this week?: going to the dr and scheduling our first ultrasound even though it isn't until 10 weeks 4 days 
Have you told family and friends: we've told my sister and best friend (because they would have known something was up by me not drinking last Friday) ... And we are telling my mom this weekend!
Miss Anything? I was definitely drooling over my husband's beer at dinner a few night ago
Movement: no
Food cravings: I wouldn't call them cravings, but Cliff said he had never seen me smile while eating pizza before and I was definitely doing that so....
Anything making you queasy or sick:  I woke up this morning with the slightest bit of nausea that has hung around all day but nothing too noticeable. 

Have you started to show yet: I feel like I have, but really I'm just extremely bloated
Gender prediction: I think both Cliff and I think it's a baby girl! 
Labor Signs: oh no.
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy and at night I get a little moody
Looking forward to: the first ultrasound, getting out of the "scary zone" a.k.a first trimester and telling our families!

How far along? 8 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: will find out in 2 1/2 weeks!
Maternity clothes? None yet... But I did go ahead and get some maternity jeans for later on!
Stretch marks? None- hope this stays like that!
Sleep: Sleeping really well, just waking up once or twice to pee
Best moment this week?: telling my mom she's going to be a Granna :), seeing our little baby on ultrasound at the ER. All is good, just had some spotting that scared me!
Have you told family and friends: we've told more and more people since we saw the baby last Friday. Waiting until our official ultrasound to announce to everyone. 
Miss Anything? I miss not being so worried all the time about every little thing, but I've heard that's just what comes with being a mama :)
Movement: no
Food cravings: none. Nothing sounds good anymore.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  I have been queasy in the mornings. It usually subsides but I'm wondering if this is the start of some morning sickness.
Have you started to show yet: I feel like I have, but really I'm just extremely bloated
Gender prediction: I think both Cliff and I think it's a baby girl! 
Labor Signs: oh no.
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy and at night I get a little moody.... Also get moody when I need to drink more water. Trying to be better about that!
Looking forward to: getting out of the "scary zone" a.k.a first trimester and telling our families! 

How far along? 9 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: will find out in less than 2 weeks!
Maternity clothes? None yet... But I did go ahead and get some maternity jeans for later on!
Stretch marks? None yet, I did buy some Burt's Bees Mama Butter so I hope that helps some
Sleep: Sleeping really well, just waking up once or twice to pee
Best moment this week?: telling our immediate family and close friends about the baby and celebrating at my 25th birthday party with everyone!
Have you told family and friends: close ones..... And whoever my father in law decides to tell ;)
Miss Anything? Food sounding good
Movement: no
Food cravings: none. Nothing sounds good anymore.... Maybe a HINT of froot loops sound good to me.
Anything making you queasy or sick:   9 weeks on the dot I woke up feeling awful... Not sick yet but I think I would feel better if I did get sick.
Have you started to show yet: I feel like I have, but really I'm just extremely bloated
Gender prediction: I think both Cliff and I think it's a baby girl! 
Labor Signs: oh no.
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy, happy, happy! I love this little baby!
Looking forward to: getting out of the "scary zone" a.k.a first trimester..... Gender reveal! 

How far along? 10 weeks... Double digits! 
Total weight gain/loss: will find out in 4 days!
Maternity clothes? None yet... But I did go ahead and get some maternity jeans for later on
Stretch marks? None yet, I did buy some Burt's Bees Mama Butter so I hope that helps some
Sleep: Sleeping really well, just waking up once or twice to pee and having weird dreams 
Best moment this week?: turning 25 and telling more family members
Have you told family and friends: close ones..... And whoever my father in law decides to tell ;)
Miss Anything? Nothing
Movement: no
Food cravings: French fries and fruit like nobody's business 
Anything making you queasy or sick:   Cigarette smoke is really grossing me out. Thankfully no one I'm around a whole lot smokes
Have you started to show yet: I feel like I have, but really I'm just extremely bloated
Gender prediction: I think both Cliff and I think it's a baby girl! 
Labor Signs: oh no.
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy, happy, happy! I love this little baby!
Looking forward to: getting out of the "scary zone" a.k.a first trimester..... Gender reveal and our first official doctor appt and ultrasound this Friday even though I'm so nervous something isn't okay 

How far along? 11 weeks today! 
Total weight gain/loss: one pound at my appt. last Friday... My doctor said for the next trimester I should only be gaining half a pound a week so I should probably lay off the french fries..( my biggest craving)
Maternity clothes? None yet
Stretch marks? None- hope this stays like that!
Sleep: Sleeping well until I have to wake up to pee and then I just kind of play on my phone until I can fall back asleep
Best moment this week?: Making the baby news Facebook official! YES! And seeing our little babe on ultrasound and knowing everything is a-okay.
Have you told family and friends: Everyone knows about our sweet baby, now. So exciting and surreal.
Miss Anything? Not yet!
Movement: none that I feel, but this little baby was rolling around on our ultrasound on Friday! Cutest thing I have ever seen
Food cravings: French fries and any form of a potato. On Saturday I was having real emotions while I went to the store to grab a few things for a family dinner at the farm worried that someone was going to eat my baked on the verge of tears. Hormones are weird. 
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Rotisserie chicken sounds awful.. but other chicken i'm good with.... and then Cliff had a Gyro sandwich yesterday and it did not smell good to me.
Have you started to show yet: I can definitely see a little pooch, but I don't think its noticeable. Still very bloated.
Labor Signs: oh no.
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: happiest I have ever been!
Looking forward to: Gender reveal in September and all the Fall festivities.... and colder weather so I can eat my weight in soup.