Tuesday, October 27, 2015

22 Weeks!

How far along? 22 weeks! Baby is the size of an ear of corn... how cute!
Total weight gain/loss: Won't officially know again until November 13th! With the way I'm eating though, i'm betting on around 8-10 lbs by then 
Maternity clothes? All the clothes in my picture this week are from my regular wardrobe! With the pants unbuttoned :)
Stretch marks? None yet...hoping it stays this way! My stomach has been quite itchy this week, though. Trying to drink more water and continue to lather up!
Sleep: Sleeping great....and just fine with going to bed before 9:30 every night :)
Best moment this week?: Seeing our boy last Friday on Ultrasound! He is beautiful and perfect and we are so proud of him. He is extremely healthy, too! YAY!
Miss Anything? I can honestly say I don't :) I've had such a wonderful, amazing experience. I'm enjoying every second. It's going by so quickly. I know all the things I may "miss" will come back around too soon. The only thing would maybe be not worrying so much. I better get used to that, though!
Movement: I can definitely feel some of his movements from the outside, now. However, his movements vary from one day to the next. Some days I feel him A LOT... some days not so much. My placenta is Anterior, though so it may be padding some of his kicks. 
Food cravings: I had a dream about fish tacos the other night and now I can't quit thinking about them.
Gender: A perfect, sweet baby boy :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: I got very hot and uncomfortable in class the other day...I must have had a hormone surge or something because it went away pretty quickly. Other than that, just some reflux/heartburn 
Have you started to show yet: definitely! People ask me about him all the time now. It's fun!
Labor Signs: oh no... It will be so crazy when this answer is yes! I hope not for a good, long while. 
Belly Button in or out? In...but already getting more shallow.....really shallow. The top has started to pop a little bit. Isn't it a little early for this?! :-/
Wedding rings on or off? On and loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, happy, happy!
Looking forward to: Registering and our hospital tour next week

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

21 weeks!

How far along? 21 weeks! Baby is the size of a carrot or a pomegranate. Somehow those two things are not the same size to me. Who knows! 
Total weight gain/loss: Won't officially know again until November 13th at my next appt unless they weigh me at my ultrasound this Friday. Probably still up 5-7 lbs. 
Maternity clothes? some maternity jeans and a few maternity stretchy tops but mainly just wearing my regular clothes still. They look a little different on these days ;)
Stretch marks? None yet...hoping it stays this way! My stomach isn't as itchy as it was, but I have also been upping my belly butter game. We will see. I'm hoping for none. 
Sleep: Sleeping great....and just fine with going to bed before 9:30 every night :)
Best moment this week?: Feeling the baby move. Best feeling EVER.
Miss Anything? I can honestly say I don't :) I've had such a wonderful, amazing experience. I'm enjoying every second. It's going by so quickly. I know all the things I may "miss" will come back around too soon.
Movement: Everyday his movements get more and more noticeable. It is so crazy to me how fast he is growing. I can actually FEEL him getting stronger each day. I'm gonna need him to slow his roll a little bit. Before I know it he'll be skipping off to college. Slow down, kid!
Food cravings: cereal. Breakfast, lunch and dinner it sounds so good. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: none
Have you started to show yet: definitely! He is really starting to make himself known. Strangers and people who don't know i'm pregnant at work have definitely started to notice. It's so funny because some people are scared to ask so they will just kind of dance around the question like "you have any big life changes going on lately?" or "Are y'all planning on having kids any time very, very soon?" It cracks me up!
Gender: A perfect, sweet, healthy baby BOY!
Labor Signs: oh no... It will be so crazy when this answer is yes! I hope not for a good, long while. 
Belly Button in or out? In...but already getting more shallow.....really shallow. The top has started to pop a little bit. Isn't it a little early for this?! :-/
Wedding rings on or off? On and loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, happy, happy!
Looking forward to: Our anatomy ultrasound on the 23rd and our 4 year anniversary TOMORROW! Time flies.

Monday, October 12, 2015

T W E N T Y - W E E K S! Halfway there!

How far along? 20 whole weeks! Baby is the size of a banana! Things are moving so quickly... I can't believe we're already halfway done. I am so grateful that the first half of my pregnancy has been such a breeze and I am praying the second half is the same! I don't think pregnancy is technically supposed to be this easy, but I'm definitely not complaining and I'll take it! ;)
Total weight gain/loss: up 5 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight at my appointment last thursday! Not bad! But, I'm not gonna lie....I feel like a little piggie. I definitely FEEL like I've gained more, but I think i'm just not used to having a belly yet ;)
Maternity clothes? Maternity jeans when I wear them, which isn't often because I get really uncomfortable...other than that, just wearing my normal shirts and tanks. The nice thing about Fall is that I already wear baggy/loose shirts and sweaters...so now, they're just a little more snug.
Stretch marks? None yet...hoping it stays this way! Comeeeee onnnnn Mama Bee!
Sleep: Sleeping great....and just fine with going to bed before 9:30 every night :)
Best moment this week?: Officially being HALFWAY! What could be better?!
Miss Anything? My sister's wine smelled really good Saturday night, but I can't say I necessarily miss it. I know I'll be back in the game in no time! ;)
Movement: I haven't felt anything...until today! Baby did 3 BIG rolls today and Cliff just happened to be home and felt 2 of them. It was so sweet. I haven't felt him since, though. I hope they'll become more regular soon. 
Food cravings: Nothing noticeable this week. I have had a strong sweet tooth lately, especially after dinner. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: none
Have you started to show yet: definitely! He is really starting to make himself known. He is so cute already :)
Gender: A perfect, sweet, healthy baby BOY!
Labor Signs: oh no... It will be so crazy when this answer is yes! I hope not for a good, long while. 
Belly Button in or out? In...but already getting more shallow.....really shallow.
Wedding rings on or off? On and loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happiest I have ever been, but moody when I need an ice cream...stat.
Looking forward to: Our anatomy ultrasound on the 23rd. Can't get enough of watching our sweet love wiggle around on that screen! Also, getting new carpet, a new back door and starting to get Baby H's room in order. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

19 weeks!

How far along? 19 weeks! What?! Baby is the size of a zucchini or a gameboy, for good measure.
Total weight gain/loss: I weighed myself at work a few nights ago and was up 3 more lbs. We will see if that is accurate at my appt tomorrow!
Maternity clothes? Maternity jeans when I wear them, which isn't often because I get really uncomfortable.
Stretch marks? None yet, but LOTS of itching on my stomach. Trying to be better about lathering up and drinking lots of water!
Sleep: Sleeping great....and just fine with going to bed before 9:30 every night :)
Best moment this week?: chopping about 5 inches off my hair... I feel like a new woman! And baking a big pan of brownies :)
Miss Anything? Being able to work out like I want to.. But i haven't even been doing light exercises, so I have no room to complain
Movement: a few flutters, but nothing very noticeable... getting verrrrrrry anxious for some real movements. I've heard 1st time moms it can take a while longer, but I was expecting to feel something by now because our baby is so active. Hopefully within the next week or two
Food cravings: see chalkboard above :) 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week, but i'm still staying away from spicy things or buffalo sauce.
Have you started to show yet: definitely! He is really starting to make himself known. He is so cute already :)
Gender: A perfect, sweet, healthy baby BOY!
Labor Signs: oh no... It will be so crazy when this answer is yes! I hope not for a good, long while. 
Belly Button in or out? In...but already getting more shallow. 
Wedding rings on or off? On and loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happiest I have ever been, but moody when I need an ice cream...stat.
Looking forward to: Our anatomy ultrasound on the 23rd. Can't get enough of watching our sweet love wiggle around on that screen!