Monday, November 23, 2015

26 Weeks!

How far along? 26 weeks! officially on the higher end of the 20's. YAY! Baby is the size of a butternut squash or a bowling pin :)
Total weight gain/loss: I've lost weight since my last doctor's appt. I've really been watching what I'm eating and incorporating MUCH more whole foods into my diet. I was getting a little carried away there for a while! Baby and I also rang in 26 weeks with our glucose test this morning! The drink was actually really good (lemon lime flavor)...I kind of wanted another...but not bad enough to go back for the 3 hour test..;) and I felt really good afterward so I feel like that's a good sign! I'm not sure when I'll get my results, but my next dr. appt is December 3rd!
Maternity clothes? Still just some leggings, jeans and a few shirts. I wear normal clothes and workout clothes most of the time.
Stretch marks? None yet...hoping it stays this way! 
Sleep: Sleeping really great, but getting comfortable is starting to be difficult. Especially if I sit/lay in one spot for too long. My hips have really started hurting...specifically my right one. Starting to experience some Sciatic pain which i've always had, it's just getting worse with pregnancy
Best moment this week?: We registered! and it was so much fun. I let Cliff hold the registry gun and he was very excited about that :) I think we picked out some really cute things! 
Miss Anything? Not much these days! Being able to breathe is probably the only thing. In pictures I feel like he's really low but i definitely have a hard time picking things up/walking up stairs, so I feel like he's all up in my lungs!
Movement: Back to not moving as much this week, but I did see his first BIG rolls a few nights ago from the outside. It was so cute.
Food cravings: Waffles with syrup...specifically Waffle House waffles. omg.
Gender: A perfect, sweet baby boy :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week!
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes...He's a big boy!
Labor Signs: Not for at least 11 more weeks, please!
Belly Button in or out? It's hanging on for dear life....and losing. The top is no longer an innie.
Wedding rings on or off? On and loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy!
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving this week and finishing up this semester of school! Just about 2-3 more weeks! 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


How far along? 25 weeks! Baby is the size of a napa cabbage...huh? or a baseball glove....or a prairie dog!
Total weight gain/loss: I'm not a fan of this question this week. I stepped on the scale at my doctor's office last Friday and saw that I have gained ELEVEN pounds in 5 weeks. ugh. My doctor didn't seem super concerned, but I'm laying off the carbs and sweet and going in for my glucose test Monday. :-/ I feel like this is a cruel joke right before Thanksgiving and when we were supposed to go to the fair. No fried oreos for me this year!
Maternity clothes? Still just some leggings and a few shirts. I wear normal clothes and workout clothes most of the time.
Stretch marks? None yet...hoping it stays this way! 
Sleep: Sleeping really great and falling asleep on the couch every night :)
Best moment this week?: Nothing in some shopping done and heard the baby's heart rate at my doctor appt. That's always the best!
Miss Anything? Shaving is getting pretty hard...
Movement: He's back to being a wiggle worm. I feel him pretty much all the time. I can even SEE him kick from the outside, now. It's pretty crazy.
Food cravings: Since I'm laying off any type of "fun" food... I'll skip this question. :-/
Gender: A perfect, sweet baby boy :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week and any kidney pain has not been back! Yay!
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes...He's a big boy!
Labor Signs: Not for at least 12 more weeks, please!
Belly Button in or out? It's hanging on for dear life....and losing. 
Wedding rings on or off? On and loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty emotional again, but always very happy!
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving in ONE week! :) Whoooo!

and just for a fun comparison.....whoa mama!!

Monday, November 9, 2015

24 Weeks!

How far along? 24 weeks! Baby is the size of an eggplant or a cantaloupe. BIG!
Total weight gain/loss: I'll find out Friday! 
Maternity clothes? Some...I am starting to see that they are a little more comfy! I love my maternity leggings. 
Stretch marks? None yet...hoping it stays this way! 
Sleep: Sleeping great aside from waking up with the dogs about 2x a night to let them out. Our dog, Kiera has been having some stomach issues :-/... I like to think it's good practice ;)
Best moment this week?: Spending the week with our little niece! I'm watching her a few hours a day until mid-December. She is so sweet and content and we've been having so much fun. Also, we took our hospital tour this week and LOVE it. It's such a quaint, sweet hospital. We are really excited to have our baby there and it was pretty surreal knowing the next time we're there it will be to meet our boy! 
Miss Anything? Not dying of trying to catch my breath from walking up a flight of stairs. It's getting pretty comical. Also, it's already getting pretty difficult to get up off our couch from a laid back position.
Movement: His movements slowed way down last week and it worried me a little, but I've heard babies at this stage go through periods of rest and active periods. He's back to moving pretty regularly. I still don't feel him as strongly as I thought I would by this point. My placenta is anterior, though so that may have something to do with it?
Food cravings: Can't say I have anything I HAVE to have this week. Cake always sounds good.
Gender: A perfect, sweet baby boy :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: No morning sickness....But I'm pretty positive I have a kidney stone. Saturday night I started having very sharp, constant pains in my back on my left side. I've had a kidney stone before and it was a similar feeling. It finally let up enough for me to sleep and hasn't hurt since which makes me think the stone was moving which is why I was in pain. All I know is after that, labor should be a real treat....
Have you started to show yet: Yes! And I think he's grown even more just over the weekend. My belly has gotten BIG. It's hard to believe I'll continue to stretch for 3-4 more months.
Labor Signs: oh no... It will be so crazy when this answer is yes! I hope not for a good, long while. 
Belly Button in or out? I wouldn't say it's officially popped yet but the top is definitely not an innie any more.
Wedding rings on or off? On and loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Feeling very emotional this week over nothing. I can understand now when pregnant women say they don't know why they're crying. I totally get it. 
Looking forward to: Registering and Thanksgiving! I've heard being pregnant over Thanksgiving is something to be excited about. Can't wait!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

23 weeks!

How far along? 23 weeks! Baby is the size of a bunch of grapes! (insert all the heart eyes here)
Total weight gain/loss: Won't officially know again until November 13th! I weighed myself at work the other day and it said I was up 12 lbs from pre pregnancy...however, that scale was weighing heavy compared to my doctor office scale, so I'm going to go with their numbers ;)
Maternity clothes? Some...I am starting to see that they are a little more comfy! I love my maternity leggings. 
Stretch marks? None yet...hoping it stays this way! 
Sleep: Sleeping great....and just fine with going to bed before 9:30 every night :)
Best moment this week?: laying down every night and being able to feel him move. It is our favorite part of the day!
Miss Anything? Not a thing!....okay maybe breathing normally...I feel like that's only going to get worse, though! 
Movement: Moving like a mad man! He is getting stronger everyday and his movements are getting more and more regular. I can see my belly move from the outside, now and can feel when he's close the the surface. I'm not sure what i'm feeling but I know it is definitely one of his body parts. He is getting so big! 
Food cravings: Hot chocolate with whipped cream on top. omg.
Gender: A perfect, sweet baby boy :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing! Thank goodness
Have you started to show yet: definitely! People ask me about him all the time now. It's fun!
Labor Signs: oh no... It will be so crazy when this answer is yes! I hope not for a good, long while. 
Belly Button in or out? In...but already getting more shallow.....really shallow. The top has started to pop a little bit. Isn't it a little early for this?! :-/
Wedding rings on or off? On and loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, happy, happy!
Looking forward to: Hospital tour tomorrow and all of the holiday festivities coming up!